Per Ardua Ad AstraI never learned such a wonderful thing as this: If you're available, then you live. If you're unavailable, then you play. And play, is NEVER real. Ever been in the situation where you meet someone and they leave before we want them to? And it causes us pain, a cigarette or two, or perhaps a whole pack, and some scotch or maybe if you're Pinoy, some San Mig, yeah? Well.. how come we feel cheated when they leave before we do? How come WE always want to be the ones to leave first? Now, here you are, in a bar somewhere in New York, or Bargo or Montego or Malate for that matter, and this woman (or man) walks in. From the first word uttered from that person's mouth, a simple hi, you knew that that person was not right for you. You knew because you intuitively knew. And so you talk, and get a conversation going and think to yourself... "What the hell? Maybe this IS the right person." But you already KNEW that that person wasn't the right one. And so with your misery tagging along, you walk out the bar into the cold night. When the double doors open, another woman (or man) walks in. And that person just seems to be the right one. But you didn't notice. Why? Because you were unavailable.. with the wrong person at that. And above all this, you knew.
What's the lesson to be learned here? Have the courage, patience and trust to WAIT. Because in your availability, the right person will come. And how will you know? You just will. Don't just speak of courage and patience and trust (as you might perceive I'm doing right now) but LIVE it. Live it and EMBODY it. And then you will have nothing to fear -- being alone, being lonely -- whatever it may be. You will have nothing to fear because you were courageous to wait -- you stood your ground in the face of your fears. And the reward? The person you then know is right. :)
Thanks for the great lecture, Dr. Hanson.
I guess having lost my entire sidebar will not work for me, but it's no reason either to start anew. =)
I am Jik. I believe in miracles, and I believe in hope. I am not prude nor old-fashioned even though I believe that Love is very real and that it governs the world. I am not selfish even though I may be materialistic. I am not weak even though I sometimes crumble down to my knees. I am not poor even though I have very little in my bank account. I try to embody what courage is all about and I try to do everything in spontaneity. I invest a whole lot of passion in anything I do, and I am and always will be a dreamer. I admire people who uphold their beliefs in life, as I try to do so myself. I always strive for the perfection of character, and make myself into the person I want to become. I seek for the greater scheme of things, the tapestry of how everything falls into an exquisite, sublime plan. And my greatest fortune is having found the secret of my life. This I intend to share with all of you someday.
Makulit. Malikot. Mababaw. I'm thumbelina, sweetie, choknat, bitch, bastard, bruhilda, gaga, bubwit, baby, hoebag, dumbass, jiffy, jikinini, jikydoodles, gicgic, jikulit, jikywiky, jikaru, jikers, jikee, jikijik, jikjik, jik, jixie, jikita, jikita banana, jikitita, jikaboo, or what have you. I'm the Jik you know and ever will know.