Per Ardua Ad AstraI'm sure at one point or another in our lives, we've thought twice about the relationship we're in... and the one relationship that we will never forget. Mind you, these are two different things, two different people in two different contexts at two different times. Did you ever go through the process of weighing which one was more valuable? Or did you end up forgetting about it since you can't do anything about it anyway? Well guess what, I went through that, too.
To be straightforward, I think that the best relationships don't involve sex or any sexual act because then you know that the person will wait until the right time. For some of us, that day will never come. But that's exactly it that has made it more meaningful. However, there's a different side to this. The fact that you didn't get this far means there's always something you would want to explore. Not that I'm saying sex is all that matters. What I'm saying is, there's something in you that pushes you to go further 'til where that person permits you. There's always the feeling of "What might've been..." in the experience that never happened.
But what if... that person now belongs to someone else? And you just happen to be in another whirlwind relationship of your own? Does anybody think it's worth it to give it another shot when you know deep in your heart that that person already belongs to someone else? Sure, relationships come and go, but you have no idea how strongly your ideal partner now feels about the new person he/she's dating. You don't know if they're already in love. So what do you do? Do you still pursue the unknown that you've always wanted to do, even if it means failing? Even if it means letting go of somebody new who's learned to love you, too?? What would you do?
I'm guessing you're silently praying that they break up so you could move into the picture and redeem your greatest possession. But did you think of the ripple effect that this will cause? First, you let go of the person you're with right now AND lose the chance to maybe get back into a relationship with him/her. Second, you take the chance AND might end up not being successful aka get your heart broken. Third, you end up losing with nobody to be with you in the end. HOWEVER... it could end up like this. First, you let go of the person you're with right now AND lose the chance to maybe get back into a relationship with him/her. Then you take the chance and maybe... you ARE successful. Maybe you've gained your prize and live happily ever after. The thing is, that scenario would seem too much of a fairytale, unless Fate really decided it for you.
So what am I trying to say? Exactly what the Serenity Prayer was trying to say. That's why I put it on my sidebar for everybody to recognize. Here's how it goes: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen.
And I think there's nothing else to say. This prayer says it all. Maybe... we're in the situations we're in because that's where we should be. There's nothing wrong with changing the things we can change. But, when we can't, we have to accept it and be thankful. Why? Because there might and WILL be something beautiful that will come out of it. ... So! What to do with your lost perfect love? Set it free. Let it go, accept it and walk away. Maybe that person was intended for somebody else and you... to learn to love somebody new. Maybe your partner now has things he/she can give you that your perfect love never can.
WITH OR WITHOUT YOU by U2It was just a sudden thought that crossed my mind when I woke up to Serendipity playing on TBS. ... What if the story, what if life, has a fairytale ending? Does it happen by itself, with Fate directing its course, or does it happen because we make it happen? I guess I just wanted to add... that as hard as it is for me to admit it... I'm an idealist. I'm a daydreamer. I want happy endings even if sometimes it would mean hurting other people to get what I want. Or rather, who I want. I'm selfish. I pretend to be naive. But deep down inside... I really, really, really just want my dreams to come true. But I'm guessing it's too late and I'm still looking for a means to escape...
I guess having lost my entire sidebar will not work for me, but it's no reason either to start anew. =)
I am Jik. I believe in miracles, and I believe in hope. I am not prude nor old-fashioned even though I believe that Love is very real and that it governs the world. I am not selfish even though I may be materialistic. I am not weak even though I sometimes crumble down to my knees. I am not poor even though I have very little in my bank account. I try to embody what courage is all about and I try to do everything in spontaneity. I invest a whole lot of passion in anything I do, and I am and always will be a dreamer. I admire people who uphold their beliefs in life, as I try to do so myself. I always strive for the perfection of character, and make myself into the person I want to become. I seek for the greater scheme of things, the tapestry of how everything falls into an exquisite, sublime plan. And my greatest fortune is having found the secret of my life. This I intend to share with all of you someday.
Makulit. Malikot. Mababaw. I'm thumbelina, sweetie, choknat, bitch, bastard, bruhilda, gaga, bubwit, baby, hoebag, dumbass, jiffy, jikinini, jikydoodles, gicgic, jikulit, jikywiky, jikaru, jikers, jikee, jikijik, jikjik, jik, jixie, jikita, jikita banana, jikitita, jikaboo, or what have you. I'm the Jik you know and ever will know.