Per Ardua Ad AstraPlease permit me to ramble on about random stuff, because I've been bored and sleepy and tired since 8 AM this morning. This is one of those days. One of those days where I felt like the laziest piece of crap in God's earth, barely serving my purpose, and doing a sloppy job at work on a beautiful Sunday morning. However, good things first. I am happy to announce that I got promoted! I do believe that good things come to those who wait, and I am glad I stayed with the Discovery Channel long enough to earn a raise through hardwork and perseverance. I am now Assistant Manager! Woohoo! =) Today was my first day at being an Assistant Manager, and today is the day that my new pay starts kicking in to the payroll, but, it was the most boring day ever to even MOVE or GREET customers. So, my other manager and I pretty much drew on our whiteboard about eating and getting fat and we came up with a slogan: "When in doubt, EAT." Hehe, that about tells of how boring it was. Plus, me oversleeping when my 30 minute break became a 45. Hah.
Bad things are... my Friendster account got deleted FOR SOME STUPID REASON! I have no idea whether it's just temporary or permanent and I don't want to go through the hassle of making a new account when my old one was something that I really loved. (Yes, I did, okay?? Hehe.) So if ever Friendster doesn't reply to my inquiries, and by some miracle I have time to make a new one, please just add me again. It totally sucks because I love my testimonials and it's really one way of contacting my friends and all of a sudden I get an invalid user error and my account mysteriously disappears. How convenient especially when I'm looking for interesting conversation.
Speaking of interesting conversation, I want to talk to somebody who would make sense even after 8 shots of tequila. Somebody who's not afraid to talk to me about life. Not life life. But life life. It's funny when people underestimate me for not being able to carry on such conversations. But those are the ones I love the most. Those are the ones which make me feel like somebody else has the same views as I do. Or at least has everything it takes to refute everything I say. =D I'm looking for.... an unencumbered, passionate conversation about anything under the sun. Laughs mixed with sincerity. Truth and the honesty to say what you feel like saying, and not what I want to hear. That'll really amuse me and knock me off my feet. But as for now... it still remains a boring day.
I guess having lost my entire sidebar will not work for me, but it's no reason either to start anew. =)
I am Jik. I believe in miracles, and I believe in hope. I am not prude nor old-fashioned even though I believe that Love is very real and that it governs the world. I am not selfish even though I may be materialistic. I am not weak even though I sometimes crumble down to my knees. I am not poor even though I have very little in my bank account. I try to embody what courage is all about and I try to do everything in spontaneity. I invest a whole lot of passion in anything I do, and I am and always will be a dreamer. I admire people who uphold their beliefs in life, as I try to do so myself. I always strive for the perfection of character, and make myself into the person I want to become. I seek for the greater scheme of things, the tapestry of how everything falls into an exquisite, sublime plan. And my greatest fortune is having found the secret of my life. This I intend to share with all of you someday.
Makulit. Malikot. Mababaw. I'm thumbelina, sweetie, choknat, bitch, bastard, bruhilda, gaga, bubwit, baby, hoebag, dumbass, jiffy, jikinini, jikydoodles, gicgic, jikulit, jikywiky, jikaru, jikers, jikee, jikijik, jikjik, jik, jixie, jikita, jikita banana, jikitita, jikaboo, or what have you. I'm the Jik you know and ever will know.